LiFe Is FuLL Of ---- >> SeCreT anD LieS,,

sO.. wHen You Get ScRewD oVer, Don’T aCt SurPriZeD

I Guess, Things HAPPEN for REASON. Tears Eventually Fade and ONE DAY Everything Will Be EXACLY How It’s Supposed To Be. MOVING ON is a PROCESS and You Have to PROMISE Yourself That You’re Really Ready To LET GO

If yOu LooKeD iNsiDe a GIRL… what you’ll see THE MOST is How hard it is to STAY STRONG when NOTHING is RIGHT and EVERYTHING is WRONG

LOVE is patient, LOVE is kind,

It doesn’t ENVY, it doesn’t BOAST, it is NOT PROUD,

It is NOT RUDE, it is NOT SELFSEEKING, it is NOT easily ANGERED, it keeps NO RECORD of WRONGS,

LOVE doesn’t DELIGHT in EVIL but REJOICES with the TRUTH,

It always PROTECTS, always TRUSTS, always HOPES, always PERSEVERES,


-LOVE is for LOSERS-



Bolehkah aku serakah terhadapmu? Yang tiap detik, tiap menit, tiap jam dan tiap hari selalu ingin disampingmu? Yang setiap saat selalu ingin menjadi orang pertama yang tau keadaanmu dan apa yang kamu lakukan?

Bolehkah aku serakah terhadapmu? Yang selalu ingin dibalas pesan singkatnya dan dijawab teleponnya? Yang berharap selalu diperhatikan dan dinomor-satukan?

Bolehkah aku serakah terhadapmu, sayang??

*Sedang Galau #np Thorn Flower - Jung Yeop*

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